My dearest Aunt Polly
Golly, you're a fighter. It's magnificent.
Everyone will recognise the guts in your latest broadside.
Labour is dead. You know that. You say that. And you're furious. Despite
all the help you've given them for 11 years, they've let you down and
they've let the country down.
Where there should be a strong man at the centre of a government, there
is nothing, it's a Polo mint.
And you lash out, in righteous fury, at everyone, accurately, even co-opting
the US napalming of Vietnam with your reference to scorched earth.
This is the nadir.
Everyone will see that but only a family member with undying admiration
will notice that actually, no, you don't lash out at everyone, do you?
No. There is no mention of the Lib Dems, no mention of Nick Clegg and
when you say that there is no option now, and nowhere to go, you and I
know that that isn't true.
This latest article of yours is the end of the affair, isn't it. A last
magnificent blast.
I know that -- with your brains, your energy, your fury and your pain
-- your next article is the first, isn't it. The first article in which
you set out to lead the enslaved out of the desert that is Labour, the
party killed by Blair and Brown, through the Red sea, and into the promised
You've been there before, in the old days of the SDP. You know that they're
congenial. They need a bit of tweeking, but not much, and my God you're
the gal to tweek 'em! And they're worth it. Aren't they? Unlike the dead
and rotting corpse that is Labour.
Never have I looked forward to your next article so much. I expect the
conversion of bitterness with Labour into exuberance for the Lib Dems
to carry millions of well-wishers with you into the new home for social
democracy which is really the old one.
This is history in the making, Aunt Polly. Floreat.