From: CabSec
To: SecStateDTI
Date: 31 December 2009
Subject: wikiPol
You know perfectly well I can't advise you on how to
undermine the Conservative proposal for a sort of eParliament.
That would be political.
Don't want to undermine it anyway. It's a marvellous
idea. Positively heart-warming. Best stocking present the Cabinet Office
could possibly have been given.
All blogs need moderators, otherwise they fall apart.
I've already drafted the recruitment ads for 1,000 moderators to join
CabOff and invigilate British democracy. Give the little man his say.
And His Grace* has done a marvellous job, speedily
producing the first editorial guidelines for wikiPol. CabOff will remain
in sole charge of what issues are aired, how they are worded, and how
the contributions of the public are ignored.
Only really one cloud on the horizon. That Jenkins
article suggesting everyone should vote for everything, and control
should all be local. If you'd like any help rebutting his flagrant
attempt to wrest power from central government, I think I can safely
say that that wouldn't be political.