Identity and Passport Service

Freedom of Information Request Form

Please complete this form providing as much detail as possible to enable us to identify and locate the information requested. An * indicates a required field.


Details of applicant

*Title: Mr

*Forename: David

*Last name: Moss





Daytime Telephone Number:  XXXXXXXXXX

Mobile Telephone Number: XXXXXXXXXX

E-mail address: XXXXXXXXXX


Fees And Charges

Under normal circumstances the Identity and Passport Service (IPS) will not make any charge to provide the information you request. However we reserve the right to charge a fee if the request will lead to IPS incurring unreasonable costs. You will be advised of any fee payable before your request is processed.



Advice and Assistance

If you require advice or assistance submitting an information request please contact IPS  Adviceline on 0870 5210410

Requests may be submitted electronically to or in writing to: Private Office, IPS Headquarters, Globe House, 89 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1PN.





For Official Use Only


 Date Of Receipt                     Date Logged                              Reference Number                           Date Closed
































Details of Request

* Please provide a detailed description of the information you want so your request can be processed quickly. Include names, dates, file references, description, etc. where known. If your request is unclear, we may need to contact you for clarification.


A. Home Office press release, Contracts bring ID cards and more secure passports closer, :


“IBM was awarded a £265 million contract to continue existing UKBA fingerprinting capabilities and to build and run the database that will store the facial images and fingerprints that are needed to keep the passport in line with international standard, as well as to support the delivery of the ID card.”



B. Sagem Sécurité press release, Sagem Sécurité chosen by IBM to support United Kingdom’s National Identity Assurance Service (NIAS), :


“Sagem Sécurité (Safran group) has signed a contract with IBM to supply and maintain a biometric management solution for British travel and identity documents, on behalf of the British Home Office’s Identity and Passport Service (IPS). The project is a core element of the Government’s plans to upgrade to biometric passports and enhance the security of the UK border.


“Sagem Sécurité will provide multibiometric facial and fingerprint recognition technology that was assessed for speed, accuracy and cost in competitive trials developed and run by IBM, using in excess of 10 million images …”



C. There is considerable doubt about the reliability of biometrics based on face recognition and flat print fingerprinting, please see for example and


In view of A, B and C above, with £265 million of our money at stake, it is important that Sagem’s biometric technology works. Please provide a copy of the detailed report of the competitive trials developed and run by IBM so that the public can assess for themselves the reliability of the technology.