Verify Sandbox Service for Private Sector Identity solutions

Mvine Ltd, an established British SME, is one of the first organisations to bring a private sector digital identity exchange platform to the UK market leveraging the GOV.UK Verify identity scheme.

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There is a growing need for verified individual digital identities that can be reused by the individual and trusted by commercial and public sector organisations.

The future of on-line transactions will be based on the reuse of trusted digital identities.

The UK Government Cabinet Office launched a GOV.UK ‘Verify’ service as a new way to prove who you are online, providing UK citizens with a safer, simpler, and faster way to access government services as they come online. Part of its plan is to extend the use of the Verify scheme into the private sector, by initially enabling organisations who will self-certify their capabilities against a defined set of Government standards and provide a sandbox to enable private sector services to test and learn about Verify.

Mvine is set up and ready now to offer these services to the private sector using and leveraging its secure distributed digital identity exchange whilst conforming to the standards rules and principles of the Verify digital identity framework.

Once the initial trials and test are over, Mvine aims to go live with these services from June 2017 onwards.

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