Between 80 and 90% of us have a mobile phone

The truth of this claim is manifestly obvious. The worldwide growth in the use of mobile phones is viral. The references below provide further evidence for those who remain sceptical:

More than half of all 10-year-olds have own mobile
Mobile phones have penetrated the primary school, with 51 per cent of all 10-year-olds owning their own phone. By the time youngsters reach secondary school, the proportion with their own phone rises to 91 per cent ...
The Times, 19 September 2006
Mobile madness consumes the UK
Fully 85% of the adult population of Britain own a mobile, while four out of five children own a phone by the time they are 11.
The Sunday Times, 21 May 2006
No network: can we live without our mobile phones?
Today there are more than 55 million mobile phone subscribers in Britain
The Times, 8 June 2005
Homo mobiliens
Individuals carry mobiles, almost without exception (55 million subscribers in this nation of 60 million souls) ...
The Times, 8 June 2005
Mobiles rack up 20 years of use
... mobile phones have become an integral part of modern life and now almost 90% of Britons own a handset.
BBC News, 1 January 2005

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