The natural price of a ten-year adult passport in the UK is £23. It actually costs £77.50. Why?
July 2010 The Adventures of Marsham Towers – Birth of the £23 passport
10 August 2010 Letter from Alan Brown, Deputy Director, Policy, Identity & Passport Service
17 August 2010 Letter to Rt Hon Danny Alexander MP, Chief Secretary to the Treasury * * *
2 September 2010 Acknowledgement from the Identity & Passport Service
27 September 2010 Reply from Susan Ronaldson, Director, National Audit Office
7 October 2010 (16 September 2010) Reply from Alastair Bridges, Executive Director, Identity & Passport Service
14 October 2010 Letter to Susan Ronaldson, Director, National Audit Office
21 October 2010 Letter to Alastair Bridges, Executive Director, Identity & Passport Service *
3 November 2010 Reply from Alastair Bridges, Executive Director, Identity & Passport Service
4 March 2011 Email to Ian Watmore, Permanent Secretary, Cabinet Office
25 March 2011 Response from Sarah Rapson, Chief Executive, Identity & Passport Service
23 April 2011 Email to local MP
7 June 2011 Response from Sarah Rapson, Chief Executive, Identity & Passport Service
23 October 2010 The UK Passport Validation Service – whose income is it anyway?
22 April 2011 Lost passports 'suffer odd fates'
22 July 2011 Passport IT system over ran by hundreds of millions

According to Ms Rapson's letter dated 7 June 2011, the Identity & Passport Service process about 5½ million passport applications a year.


(a) they were all for 10-year adult passports and
(b) a 10-year adult passport costs £77.50 and
(c) it should cost only £23


(d) we are over-paying by £299,750,000 a year.

That is the hypothesis – that Whitehall are causing us to waste about £300 million a year.

see also