As I am aware that you make full use of the internet to record your interactions
with Home Office officials, I invite you to publish this letter and its
annex in full, to ensure that the points made are presented in context.
Please contact XXXXXXXXXX on XXXXXXXXXX or XXXXXXXXXX to arrange
the meeting.
Yours sincerely
Lin Homer
Annex A
1. Interpol Lost and Stolen Database
With regard to concerns about whether UKBA makes enough use of the
Interpol lost and stolen database:
On 25 July 2007, in response to the findings of the West Review, the
Prime Minister announced that the capability to make checks against the
Interpol Stolen Lost Travel Documents database (SLTD) would be implemented
at UK border crossing points. The solution chosen was the Interpol MIND
(Mobile Interpol Network Device). This enabled the UK to retain its capability
to search against its national watchlist at ports whilst conducting a
parallel search on the SLTD as an integrated process and was made available
to 95 sites (32 fixed control sites & 63 Back Office Sites) by the
end of December 2008, giving the ability to check the Interpol database
at border crossing points and for visa and in-country applications.
The Interpol database has increased rapidly as more countries have participated
and now contains approximately 30 million documents. The link to the Interpol
SLTD is therefore an effective tool to further enhance the primary frontline
role of securing the UK border, reducing illegal immigration and protecting
the UK against the risk of terrorism.
Accessing the SLTD has led to a significant number of successful interventions
in identifying forged documents, imposters and stolen blank documents
at the Border. It has been possible to take prosecution action over offenders
identified at the border and there have also been successes from conducting
checks pre-entry (visa applications) and in-country (applications for
residency, marriage, students etc). One of the first successes within
a week of 'go live' was identifying a stolen document in Bogota and refusing
a visa.
Around 70 million checks are made against the database per year and
to date there have been 13346 hits and 5108 documents seized.
2. Schenqen Information System
An update on plans to connect to the Schengen Information System:
The UK is planning to connect to the second-generation Schengen Information
System (the Central SIS II), which is being developed by the European
Commission. The Commission-led project has experienced a series of technical
issues which have delayed the entry into operation of the Central SIS
II, and based on the Commission's current estimates, the earliest the
UK will be able to connect is December 2011.
The UK is only taking part in the law enforcement aspects of SIS II.
Via the e-borders system, SIS II will provide UK law enforcement agencies
at the border with access to alerts on wanted and missing persons, lost
and stolen passports and other identity documents, and lost and stolen
3. Facial Recognition Technology
ln response to accusations that facial recognition technology used
by UKBA is unreliable:
How we use systems in our business
UKBA is currently trialling the use of automated gates using facial recognition
technology at 10 sites across the UK. The gates process EEA passengers
over the age of 18 who hold biometrically enabled passports. The technology
used has proved reliable within the operational environment, although
does not provide a stand alone solution, as the banks of gates are monitored
by a Border Force officer at all times. Staff continue to use their judgement
and discretion to intervene where necessary.
Why we are confident they are reliable
There have been considerable improvements in the performance of face recognition
technology over the past decade. Taken together with the international
standardisation of the face formats as encoded in the chip in first generation
biometric passports, this has encouraged a number of countries to trial
automated gates at airports. As these and further trials are undertaken,
UKBA will continue to review whether such systems meet our operational
Many trials have been undertaken using facial recognition for 1:1 verification
and an independent test in 2006 by NIST actually states that the performance
of iris (which has been in use for several years by UKBA), 2D facial image
and 3D facial image for the purposes of verification has become comparable.
The technology is likely to have improved since 2006 and that is why we
are trialling it.
Evaluation of Manchester trial
We plan to evaluate all 10 sites. Evaluation of Manchester gave us enough
confidence to proceed to expand the trial. We are aware that different
environments may impact the use of facial recognition technology, we therefore
wished to determine and compare results from more diverse airport environments
to ensure the technology is robust and consistent.
Claims that the FBI do not have confidence in facial recognition
We understand that you have not accurately represented the views of Mr
James A Loudermilk II when you reported his comments about facial recognition
technology. Indeed, Mr Loudermilk himself has recently stated that: